How to Make Flea Shampoo at Home for Your Pet

Fleas can be a common nuisance, especially for dogs and cats. But fleas are eager to exploit any opportunity, so they may also infest young foals and adult horses that are ungroomed, underweight or immunocompromised

With more than 2,200 identified types of fleas, it’s important to know how to protect our pets from these blood-sucking parasites! But first, how do you know if your animal/pet has fleas?

Fleas: The Symptoms They Cause

  • Extreme itching, biting, chewing and licking.
  • Secondary infections from scratching.
  • Red, swollen scabs, lesions, wounds, hot spots or skin infections.
  • Discomfort.
  • Fur loss.

While numerous commercial flea shampoos are available, many contain harsh chemicals for our pets. There are easy and effective ways to make flea shampoo at home using simple and gentle ingredients with natural flea-repellent properties!

Did You Know?

A flea does not “bite” according to Dr. William Miller Jr., professor of dermatology at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine! Instead, “it sticks its proboscis (nose) into the skin and sucks blood.”

Before we explore 3 DIY flea shampoo recipes, please review these important safety precautions.

Flea Shampoo: Safety Precautions

  • Always avoid getting shampoo into the animal’s eyes and ears.
  • First, test any shampoo on a small patch of their skin to check for allergic reactions.
  • Thoroughly rinse your pet’s fur to remove all shampoo ingredients.
  • If your pet has a severe flea infestation or skin condition, consult your veterinarian before using homemade flea shampoo.

Now, let’s get busy!

Lemon Flea Shampoo

Lemon is well-known for its natural flea-repellent properties due to its acidic nature to kill fleas and bacteria while soothing itchiness and flakiness. For lemon flea shampoo, you’ll need:

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 cups of water


  • Thinly slice the lemons and place in a pot.
  • Add water to the pot and bring it to a boil.
  • Allow the lemons to simmer in the water for about 10 minutes.
  • Let the solution cool down completely.
  • Strain the liquid and pour it into a container.

To use:

  • Wet your pet’s fur thoroughly.
  • Pour the lemon solution over your pet, saturating the fur.
  • Massage the shampoo into your pet’s coat for a few minutes.
  • Rinse well with lukewarm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar Flea Shampoo

Apple cider vinegar is another natural ingredient that helps repel and deter fleas while also soothing irritated skin. For this recipe, you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 quart of water

Instructions: Mix the apple cider vinegar and water in a large bowl.

To use:

  • Wet your pet’s coat thoroughly.
  • Pour the apple cider vinegar solution over your pet’s fur, avoiding the eyes and ears.
  • Massage the solution into the coat and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Rinse your pet’s fur with lukewarm water.

(NOTE: Apple Cider Vinegar baths are great for horses as they moisturize the skin while lowering the pH responsible for a dry, dull coat. In addition to repelling fleas, this recipe will help reduce irritation and itchiness with its antimicrobial properties. Source:

Herbal Flea Shampoo

Herbs like rosemary and lavender also have natural flea-repellent properties leaving your pet smelling fresh. Here’s how to make herbal flea shampoo (do not use essential oils and do not allow your pet to lick or ingest any liquid):

  • 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary
  • 2 tablespoons of dried lavender
  • 2 cups of water


  • Boil the water and add the dried rosemary and lavender.
  • Let the herbs steep in the water for at least 30 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and allow it to cool.

To use:

  • Wet your pet’s coat thoroughly.
  • Pour the herbal solution over your pet’s fur, covering all areas of the body.
  • Massage the shampoo into the coat and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse well with lukewarm water.

In Conclusion

Making flea shampoo at home is cost-effective and allows you to control the ingredients for your pet’s overall well-being. By opting for natural remedies, you can effectively combat fleas, minimize your pet’s exposure to harsh chemicals and keep your pet comfortable and flea-free!

Do hypoallergenic cats truly exist?

For many cat lovers, allergies can pose a significant barrier to enjoying the companionship of a furry feline friend. But what about hypoallergenic cats; feline breeds supposedly less likely to trigger allergic reactions in humans?

Let’s delve into the science before you adopt a “hypoallergenic cat” below.

Cat Allergies: The Culprit

When it comes to cat allergies, they are primarily triggered by a protein called Fel d 1, found in the cat’s saliva, anal glands, sebaceous (oil) glands in their skin, fur, and to a lesser extent, urine. (Source:

It is this protein that causes the following allergic reactions in people:

  • Sneezing.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Severe respiratory issues (including asthma) in highly-sensitive individuals.
  • Atopic dermatitis or eczema.
Sitting Sphynx Cat Against a Black background
The Sphynx is Not Hypoallergenic, (Image by Юрий Сидоренко from Pixabay)

Hypoallergenic Cats?

Proponents of hypoallergenic cats often suggest certain breeds as being “less allergenic” due to shorter hair, less hair shedding, less dander, and less saliva from licking. (Source:

These breeds supposedly include the:

  • Balinese.
  • Cornish Rex.
  • Devon Rex.
  • Javanese.
  • Oriental Shorthair.
  • Siamese.
  • Siberian.
  • Sphynx and more.

A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
found no significant difference in the levels of Fel d 1 allergen
between hypoallergenic and non-hypoallergenic cat breeds.

Some breeders claim to produce hypoallergenic cats through selective breeding programs aimed at reducing Fel d 1 production. While these efforts may result in cats with slightly lower allergen levels, complete elimination of allergenic proteins is unlikely. Additionally, the genetic complexity of Fel d 1 production makes it challenging to guarantee hypoallergenic traits in the offspring.

Scientific evidence to support these claims remains limited and suggests the designation of “hypoallergenic” may be more anecdotal (based on hearsay or wishful thinking) than scientific validation. At best, some feline breeds may cause less severe allergic reactions depending upon the individual and situation.

Cat Allergies: It Just Might Be YOU!

A cat with green eyes laying on a rug while being petted under the chin
Allergic Reactions Depend on Individuals (Image by Юрий Сидоренко from Pixabay)

Individual variation in allergic reactions plays a significant role. What may trigger a reaction in one person might not affect another to the same degree. Specific factors influence the severity of allergic reactions. (Source:

These factors include:

  • The level of exposure.
  • The frequency of cat grooming.
  • Even the cat’s diet.

Another consideration is that allergies can develop over time, even in individuals who have previously been tolerant of cats. This makes it difficult to predict whether a supposedly hypoallergenic cat will remain suitable for allergy sufferers in the long-term.

Minimizing Feline Allergies: 5 Options

Tabby Cat Laying on a Couch being groomed with an EasyGroomer tool
Regular Grooming Can Help Minimize Cat Allergies (Image:

Despite these challenges, there are steps that allergy sufferers can try to minimize their exposure to cat allergens like the five options below.

  • Regular grooming of the cat with a grooming tool like the EquiGroomer that mimics the cat’s tongue.
  • Regular bathing.
  • Using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in the home.
  • Maintaining a clean environment to help reduce allergen levels.
  • Some allergy medications and immunotherapy treatments may also provide relief for individuals with cat allergies.

In Conclusion: Hypoallergenic Cats

A man wearing glasses holding a tiny black and white kitten
Carefully Consider Adopting a Cat Especially with Allergies (Image by Pexels from Pixabay)

While the concept of hypoallergenic cats may offer hope to allergy sufferers, the scientific evidence supporting their existence remains inconclusive. Allergic reactions are complex and multifactorial, influenced by individual sensitivity as well as environmental and genetic factors. (Source:

Rather than relying on breed labels, prospective cat owners should consider their allergy history and tolerance levels when choosing a cat. Ultimately, the decision to bring a cat into the home should be made thoughtfully, with full awareness of the potential allergic reactions and overall benefits for the owner and cat.

Not all cats like to be brushed.

Six EasyGroomer Tools
The EasyGroomer Tool

It’s important to understand your cat’s preferences and introduce brushing slowly into their routine. It’s also critical to use the best grooming tool to provide a pleasant and relaxing experience for both you and your cat!

Cats LOVE our EasyGroomer simply because the blade gently mimics a cat’s tongue! The EasyGroomer will produce a soft, shiny, and smooth coat for your cat.

Questions about our EasyGroomer Tools?
Call us at 860-573-0604 or email us at
to give your cats, dogs, or other small pets the BEST
grooming experience!

Houseplants bring life and beauty inside, clean the air and boost our spirits!
But did you know over 700 plants (indoor and outdoor) are considered
toxic to dogs and cats? In the blog post below, we’ll take a
closer look at which toxic plants you need to avoid having
in your home with a cat, dog or rabbit.

Even some of the most popular houseplants are toxic to your cat and dog. Sometimes, even brushing against the plant or getting the juices on the skin can create itchiness, rashes and more.

Next, let’s look at 39 common, but toxic houseplants if you have pets.

Avoid these Toxic Plants in Your Home

Baby’s Breath Flowers
  • Aloe Vera (the gel is considered edible and safe for topical use)
  • Arrow-Head Vine
  • Asparagus Fern
  • Autumn Crocus
  • Azalea
  • Baby’s Breath and Ivy
  • Begonia
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Crocus
  • Cyclamen
  • Daisy
  • Dracaena (including Corn Plant, Dragon Tree, Money Tree and Lucky Bamboo)
Jade Plant
  • Elephant’s Ear (aka Caladium, Alocasia or Angel’s Wing)
  • English Ivy
  • Flowers with bulbs (including the Daffodil, Narcissus, Amaryllis, Hyacinth and Tulip)
  • Foxglove
  • Geranium
  • Holly (including the American, English, Japanese and Christmas)
  • Hops
  • Hydrangeas
  • Iris
  • Ivy (vine)
  • Jade Plant
  • Lilies (including Asian, Easter, Calla, Day, Japanese Show, Lily of the Valley, Peruvian and Tiger)
  • Marijuana
  • Mistletoe
  • Oleander
  • Peace Lily (not a true member of the Lily family)
  • Peony
  • Philodendron and its close relation the Dieffenbachia (aka Dumb Cane)
  • Pothos (aka Devil’s Ivy)
A red Yew Bush or Tree
The Red Yew Bush/Tree
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhubarb
  • Rubber Tree
  • Sago and Cardboard Palm
  • Shamrock
  • Snake Plant (aka mother-in-law’s tongue)
  • Spider Plant
  • Yew tree/shrub

NOTE: For many years, poinsettias have been vilified as “toxic” to pets. But any adverse reactions are usually low-level and do not require medical treatment

AKC: Trees that are Poisonous to Dogs

Signs of Illness: Dogs and Cats

Since pets often get into trouble when we’re not looking, it’s important to know what symptoms may indicate potential poisoning especially if you have any toxic plants in your home or garden.

Look for these signs:

  • Lethargy
  • Drooling and hypersalivation
  • Seizures and tremors
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Blood pressure spikes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and irritation
  • Swelling of the mouth, throat and tongue
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Itchiness
  • Black, tar-like stool
  • Renal failure

If you see your pet display any of these symptoms, call your vet immediately for medical assistance. You can also call:

  • Animal Poison Control at 888-426-4435 (a consultation fee may apply) or the
  • Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 (a $75 fee applies).

How to Identify Toxic Houseplants

Unless you are a professional horticulturist, it can be difficult, if not almost impossible, to know which plants pose a serious risk to your pets.

The ASPCA Logo

Fortunately, the ASPCA has developed extensive and illustrated lists on their website to correctly identify both toxic and non-toxic plants for dogs, cats and horses! You can search by the pet, by scientific name or by the commonly known name of the plant.

Apps can also help identify toxic plants right on your smartphone. Just go to your favorite app store and type in “apps for toxic plants for pets.”

NOTE: Some of these plants listed in this blog post can also make humans and small children sick! Always do your homework before bringing home new plants to proactively protect your family and family pets.

Pet-Friendly Houseplants for Indoors

EquiGroomer Grooming Tools

The Grooming Tools from EquiGroomer

The simple design and unique blade are designed to gently
snag scaly, dead, shedding hair from the ends so there’s no pulling
on the skin or harm to the topcoat.

Gentle ~ Comfortable ~ Pain-free

We guarantee your cat, dog, horse and other pets
will LOVE the EquiGroomer!

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604
Or send us an email.

Like many questions, this one is not a clear-cut yes or no. But there are some tips you can use to determine how often your dog should be bathed.

Dog bathing … if you ask ten dog parents how often you should bathe your dog, you will get at least 10 different answers with everyone believing their answer is the right one!

But how often should your dog be bathed? The answer depends on a number of different factors. Keep reading to learn more!

Small Pug in a Metal Tub
Small Pug in a Metal Tub

What We Can Agree Upon!

The one fact we can all agree upon is that our dog should be brushed, bathed and groomed regularly to maintain their optimal healthy skin and coat. But that’s where the agreement usually ends when it comes to defining “regularly.”

It might be easier to look at what a dog parent should not do when it comes to bathing their dog and the frequency.

Dog Bathing: Do NOT Do This!

Most dog owners can agree upon this advice, avoid bathing your dog too often where the skin and coat are stripped of their natural oils creating dry and irritated skin and a dried-out coat.

Let’s take a look at the 4 factors to consider when deciding how often to bathe your dog.

THE Four Factors to Consider

There are at least 4 factors to consider when determining how often to bathe your dog.

Black and White Chinese Crested Dog Standing Outside
Chinese Crested Dog Standing Outside
  • Your dog’s breed.
    • Hairless dogs including the Chinese Crested and Xoloitzcuintli require weekly bathing.
    • Dogs sporting double-coated dogs (Retrievers and Siberian Huskies) should not be bathed too often to prevent stripping too much oil from the skin.
    • The Puli (technically a long-haired breed) does not need to be bathed often when corded because they do not develop common “doggie odors.”
  • Your dog’s type of coat.
    • Short, single-layered fur needs to be bathed more frequently.
    • Little to no fur needs to be bathed the most!
    • Dogs with thick, heavy coats are typically bathed the least because their coat is more apt to repel dirt and protect the skin.
Black Cocker Spaniel Laying in a Mud Puddle
Black Cocker Spaniel Laying in a Mud Puddle
  • Your dog’s lifestyle.
    • Dogs that are highly active and spend a lot of time outdoors should be bathed more often. Of course, there are also those pups who just cannot help indulging in the mud, manure, or other messy, stinky things and will need to be bathed more often to remove dirt and bacteria!
  • Any skin or coat issues.
    • Shedding coats can benefit from bathing to shed dead hair and stimulate new hair growth.
    • Skin conditions will dictate how often a dog should be bathed to effectively manage chronic skin conditions without exacerbating them. Your vet, breeder or groomer can offer the best advice based on your dog, his breed and history.

Pets.WebMD: How to Bathe Your Dog

Black Puppy Being Bathed in a Green Tub
Black Puppy with Shampoo in a Green Tub

Dog Bathing: The Products to Use

Once you’ve determined how often to bathe your dog, only use specifically-formulated dog shampoos! (Never use human shampoos with potentially toxic ingredients, colors and fragrances!).

Make sure any dog shampoos and conditioners are:

  • Mild
  • Hypoallergenic and
  • Help moisturize.

Also use warm, not overly hot water for bathing to avoid over-drying your dog’s sensitive skin.

The Bottom Line

Again, there is no definitive answer when it comes to how often a dog should be bathed. Many say a dog should be bathed about once every 3 months, others say twice during that same period. Some vets say weekly and other experts will insist on their own opinion.

Typically, we bathe our dogs for our own comfort and prevention of doggie smells. The best advice is to work with your breeder, veterinarian or professional groomer to establish the best bathing schedule for your family dog!

Small Brown Dog being brushed with the EquiGroomer
Small Brown Dog Laying Down and Being Brushed with the EquiGroomer Brush

Regardless of how often you choose to bathe your dog,
regular brushing is a must!

Keep your dog’s coat free of dirt, dander and shedding hair with the EquiGroomer!

We guarantee your dog, cat, horse, other pets or even livestock will LOVE the EquiGroomer Tools!

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or send us an email.

If there’s one thing all pet guardians can agree on it’s our precious pets never live long enough! While there are “average” life spans for cats, dogs and horses,
there are many factors that ultimately affect the
actual time they spend with us!

Pet Life Spans

If pet parents had their say, our pets would remain with us forever! But what are the “average” life spans for the dogs, cats and horses who share our life? According to

At a quick glance, below are the average pet life spans for canines, felines and equines.

Dogs: Average Life Span

Senior Yellow Lab with White Face
Older Yellow Lab with White Face

Small dogs: < 20 lbs.

  • 13 years (Chihuahuas are known to live up to 20 years)

Medium Dogs: 20-89 lbs.

  • 11 years (Oldest dog: 29 years old, an Australian Cattle Dog)

Large Dogs: 90+ lbs.

  • 8 years (Spayed/neutered dogs live longer)

PetCareRX: A Dog Years Chart by Breed

Dogs with the Shortest Lifespan

Old Yellow Cat
Senior Yellow Cat

Cats: Average Life Span

Indoors Only

  • 12-28 years (Oldest cat: 28 years old)

Outdoors Only

  • 2-5 years (Due to high exposure to illness, injury and disease)

PetCareRX: Average Lifespan of a Cat Breed Chart

Newsweek: 20 Cat Breeds with the Shortest Lifespans

Horses: Average Life Span

Two Wild Horses Nuzzling Each Other
Wild Horses Nuzzling Each Other

Deep Hollow Ranch: Horse Longevity by Breed

Deep Hollow Ranch: The Oldest Horses Worldwide

The Factors Behind Pet Life Spans

While there are “average life expectancies” for each kind of pet, paying close attention to the factors affecting the quality and length of our pet’s life can support a better and longer pet life span.

According to the PetFriendly website, the factors affecting our pet’s life expectancy may include:

  • Breeding and genetics: certain breeds are prone to shorter life spans.
  • Nutrition: fresh, high-quality and species-appropriate foods; avoid overfeeding.
  • Exercise and mental stimulation: daily and appropriate physical and mental activities/stimulation.
  • Well-being and health: vet care (both regular and preventative), consistent hygiene, grooming and dental care.
  • Environmental: indoor/outdoor pollutants, toxins or chemicals; outdoor exposure to weather.
  • Emotional connection: like people, pets also need a strong emotional bond with their human family.

The number of times a pet has reproduced can also affect its overall longevity.

While breeding and genetics determine a lot when it comes to life span, pet parents can educate themselves on how best to support a longer life expectancy for their pet. Talk to your vet to learn more about your pet’s life span.

Young Woman with Vet and Small Dog
Young Woman with Vet and Small Dog

How to Tell Your Pet’s Age

Sometimes, when adopting a homeless pet, information about their exact date of birth may not be available.

But there are physical ways to approximate how old your new pet may be. This includes your pet’s:

  • Teeth.
  • Eyes.
  • Hearing.
  • Overall coat
  • Body changes including muscle tone and build.
  • Mobility/activity level.

To learn more about your specific pet, click on the appropriate link below.

White and Gray Horse being Groomed by Woman
Horse being Groomed with the EquiGroomer WaterWisk

As mentioned above, your pet’s hygiene and grooming is critical to their overall well-being and longevity.

We guarantee your dog, cat, horse, other pets or livestock will LOVE the EquiGroomer!

Our blades are easy-to-use and comfortable for the most sensitive-skinned pet and ensures pain-free grooming!

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email today!

When domestic pets, dogs and cats, are not properly brushed, uncomfortable even painful “matting” can occur. Learn how pet matting happens and more importantly,
how you can prevent it from happening to your beloved pets!

What is Pet Matting?

Regular Brushing Helps Prevent Pet Matting
Courtesy: EquiGroomer

Pet matting happens when their coat creates densely tangled or twisted clumps of fur. Without proper and frequent brushing, the hair can wrap around itself, including loose dead and live fur (imagine a Brillo pad!).

Matted fur makes it uncomfortable for your pet to lay down, sit or even walk. The tightness of the matts can pull on the skin leading to mild to extreme pain. Even the pet’s efforts at grooming will be ineffective and painful.

With matted fur, brushing can become extremely painful and even cause severe injury to the pet’s skin because of the tight entanglement with live fur. If matting is left unaddressed for too long, the only humane solution may be to shave the entire coat.

Matted Dog Hair: 6 Potential Home Remedies

Matting also leads to other health conditions and issues. Keep reading to learn more.

Matting: The Negative Side Effects

Not only can matting be uncomfortable and painful for our pets, but matting can also:

  • Cut off the blood supply to the extremities.
  • Prevent regular air circulation to the skin.
  • Cause the underlying skin to become irritated and discolored potentially leading to open sores emitting foul odors.
  • Contain your pet’s stool.
  • Contain fly and other pest larvae.
Brown and White Cat Being Groomer
Courtesy: Spike Summers/ Pixabay

Once matting has occurred, you may need the help of a well-experienced groomer to effectively address the matted hair in the safest way possible for your pet. Depending on the coat’s overall condition, dematting may be done. Or in the worst case, the pet’s entire coat may have to be shaved. If shaving is necessary, only use the services of a professional groomer to prevent your pet’s skin from unnecessary cuts and pain.

Dematting Your Pet

Ensure your groomer is experienced to handle matts safely and comfortably with lots of patience to guarantee your pet’s ultimate protection and comfort. Inexperienced groomers or large box groomers may be unwilling to take the extra time necessary to dematt and brush out small sections of hair at a time.

Keeping Your Long-Haired Cat Free From Matting: 9 Tips

Dematting or Deshedding?

  • Deshedding removes loose, dead hair.
  • Dematting removes matted portions that are:
    • Knotted.
    • Tangled.
    • Twisted.
The EquiGroomer Tool is Effective against Matting!
Courtesy: EquiGroomer

THE Way to Prevent Pet Matting!

There is one simple, yet highly effective way to prevent matting in your family pets.

Frequent and proper brushing and/or combing of their coat! Gently brush down to the skin to properly groom all layers of the coat to prevent future matting.

Blue EquiGroomer Tool

The EquiGroomer design removes pet hair without pulling,
discomfort or damage to their coat or skin.

We GUARANTEE your dog and cat will love it!

Click here to buy yours today!

Keep in mind, pets with long or curly hair will require more frequent attention when it comes to grooming. Develop a regular brushing routine early on with your cat or dog. If you cannot commit to regular brushing, have them groomed by a professional groomer every 4-6 weeks.

Your pet will thank you!

Siamese Cat Shedding on Green Grass
Courtesy: EquiGroomer

EquiGroomer grooming tools are easy-to-use and comfortable for both you and your pet.

Our blade is perfect for even the most sensitive-skinned pet and ensures pain-free grooming making frequent pet grooming a breeze!

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

Have you just adopted a pet? How do you plan to cover their medical needs? Your new pet needs pet insurance to cover their medical expenses, especially in the case of an emergency!

Courtesy: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Good insurance is for protecting:

  • Your pet’s health and
  • Your finances.

Unfortunately, many pet parents don’t know where to begin. For example:

  • Where do you buy your pet’s insurance?
  • What does pet insurance entail and cover?
  • What is pet insurance used for?

Let’s look at each one of the questions below.

Pets and Medical
Courtesy: Mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

1. Pet Insurance: Find a Good Company

  • First, read reviews of pet insurance companies.
  • Know your options and which companies offer what you’re looking for. The great thing about pet insurance is that it’s not limited to a network. This means you can buy insurance online and use it in Maine, New York, California or Alaska. It does not rely on networks and accreditations.
  • Also, confirm the company has a license to operate.
  • In addition, you’ll also want to check for any certifications and/or permits required in your home state. Insurance agents will gladly provide you with the information you request if there’s nothing to hide. If they do not, look at another insurance company.
Courtesy: TeeFarm / Pixabay

2. Check the Coverage Carefully

What does pet insurance cover? Ensure you will be reimbursed for your pets’ medical expenses since veterinary bills can be as high as tens of thousands of dollars! Understand if there are any restrictions based on age, breed or pre-existing conditions.

Note: not all insurance coverages are the same, so check potential coverages carefully!

The services insurance companies for pets will typically reimburse include:

  • Unexpected injuries and accidents.
  • Surgery.
  • Medication.
  • Unexpected illnesses.
  • Tests and diagnostics.
  • Emergency care.
  • Exam fees.

Again, not all insurance policies are the same or offer the same coverage. Do your due diligence!

Courtesy: Mbfrye / Pixabay

3. Understand the Reimbursement Process

Most pet insurance works through a reimbursement process. This means you will need to pay the veterinary and medical bills out-of-pocket before filing a claim to your insurance company for reimbursement. Thoroughly understand the insurance company’s reimbursement process before signing on the dotted line. Understanding all the requirements, timeframes, restrictions and limitations of your pet’s insurance coverage will help prevent your claim from being denied for reimbursement.

4. Premiums: Understand Exactly What You’re Getting

The average cost for animal insurance is between $30 and $50 a month for decent coverage. If you want better coverage for terminal illnesses, expect to pay $100 a month. Some pet insurance companies will go as low as $10 monthly for the most basic coverage but do not expect to get reimbursed for major surgical procedures. A general rule of thumb: the higher your monthly premium, the more the policy will cover for your pet.

5. Consider a Pet Wellness Plan

Some insurance companies offer wellness plans as add-ons. A pet wellness plan will cover most routine veterinary services such as neutering, vaccinations, boosters, and screening tests. It is a form of protection, too, because it means diagnosing common diseases earlier, so they don’t become problems in the future. Animal insurance does not automatically include wellness plans, so again, understand your policy’s coverages.

Courtesy: Markus Spiske / Pixabay

The Takeaway

Getting insurance for your pet(s) is part of your responsibility as a pet owner. Your pet is depending on you to provide for their needs. The best time to get pet insurance is right after adopting the pet. When choosing what insurance to get, always consider your budget and the policy’s range of coverage. While cheap insurance sounds practical, you might want to get somewhere near the average, so it covers more services.

According to Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania, we are in for another six weeks of this crazy winter season! (Personally, we think Phil just wants extra time to snooze!)

But since winter is not ending anytime soon (according to Phil),
let’s ask another age-old question,
just how cold is too cold for your dog?

Dogs and Cold

So, when it comes to dogs and cold, how cold is too cold for your dog? This question does not have a “one-size-fits-all” answer! Instead, there are several factors to consider when deciding how long a dog can safely spend in the cold temperatures including their:

Collie Playing in the Snow
  • Breed, size and coat.
  • Age.
  • Health.

Just like in hot temperatures, it’s critical dog parents must know what is best for their dog and monitor their time outside. Most dogs live for the great outdoors, so make sure you know what’s best for your pup and act accordingly even if they do not want to come inside.

Next, let’s take a closer look at breeds and sizes to understand when it is too cold for them to remain outside!

Dogs and Cold: Different Sizes = Different Needs

Little White Dog in a Blue Jacket Walking on the Snow
Courtesy: Pezibear / Pixabay


Dogs on the smaller size with single coats – or even hairless – are not able to safely deal with colder temperatures. According to Sarah Wooten, DVM, “smaller pups can quickly develop hypothermia and frostbite.” In fact, caution should be used any time the temperature falls below 45 degrees for smaller dogs.

Hypothermia develops when a canine’s core body temperature drops too low. Left untreated, it can bring on cardiac and respiratory failure, brain damage, coma and eventually, death.

Frostbite (like in humans) damages tissues in extreme cold. While frostbite is not life-threatening, it often occurs with hypothermia which is.

Smaller K9 breeds at risk include the:

The Mexican Hairless Dog
Courtesy: Anders Mejlvang / Pixabay
  • Miniature Poodle.
  • Maltese.
  • Chihuahua.
  • Xoloitzcuintli (also known as the Xolo, an ancient Aztec K9 known today as the “Official Dog of Mexico” and the “Mexican Hairless breed,” a non-sporting dog, both coated and hairless); and
  • Chinese Crested.

These breeds are all at higher risk from frigid temperatures.

According to Dr. Wooten, smaller pups should spend no more than 10-15 minutes outside when the temperatures are below 32 degrees F.


Bernese Mountain Dog with Snow on Face
Courtesy: ArtTower / Pixabay

Unlike many of their smaller counterparts, larger breeds can usually manage cold temperatures better because of their thick double coats. When temperatures are below freezing or 32 degrees F, these dog breeds can safely stay outside for a half-hour to an hour, says Dr. Wooten. For arctic breeds who are well-acclimated to colder environments, they can handle much more time in the cold.

These hardier dog breeds include the:

  • Siberian Husky
  • Samoyed
  • Malamute
  • Newfoundland; and
  • Bernese Mountain Dog.

Dogs and Cold: Dog Age and Health Matter

Active dogs and those who are medium-to-large can handle the cold much better because of their thicker coats and ability to regulate their body temperatures.

But Dr. Wooten encourages that puppies under 8 weeks of age and Toy Breeds should be kept out of extreme weather conditions for their overall well-being and safety. In addition, senior dogs and/or those dealing with a health condition should spend the most time indoors with shorter, supervised time outside.

How Cold is Too Cold: The Final Word!

Never expose your dog to outdoor conditions which may risk his health or safety! Your dog is depending on you to protect his health and well-being even if he wants to stay outside in the snow!

Always supervise any dog outside and look for symptoms like:

  • Panting
  • Shaking
  • Shivering; or
  • Extreme fatigue and bring them back inside immediately!

Also, in the winter remember to factor in other things like wind chill, dampness, cloud cover and activity for your dog’s ultimate safety and well-being.

Blue EquiGroomer Tool

Keep your dog’s fur clean and unmatted by grooming them after time outside, whether it’s cold or hot!

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For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

Holidays mean family, friends and lots of delicious foods! But don’t leave your dog or cat out of the holiday cheer!

Below are 6 easy homemade holiday treats to share with your
family dog or cat during the holidays.

Sad Puppy Eyes and Incessant Meowing … Oh My!

Large Puppy Eyes from a Brown and White Puppy
Courtesy: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

With holiday cooking, baking and delicious smells, your dog or cat will not be far away from the kitchen! So that means never-ending puppy eyes and kitty meows for treats!

And really, who can blame them?!

Include both Fido and Felix in the holiday season with the six easy recipes below! Homemade, do-it-yourself holiday treats are easy and can be much healthier than commercially made treats.

Homemade treats are also a great option to the many holiday foods and ingredients our pets shouldn’t eat! So instead of feeling guilty this holiday season, be ready to hand out pet-friendly treats made in your own kitchen!

Let’s begin with the dogs!

1. DIY Dog Treats: Dog-Friendly Eggnog!

If you are a fan of eggnog, you may be tempted to share some with your K9 friend. Please do not!

Instead, whip up this dog-friendly eggnog (from Gone to the Snow Dogs) you can safely share with your furry, four-legged best friend!

Carton of Eggs, Whisk and Cookbook on a Counter
Courtesy: Steve Buissinne / Pixabay

Dog Eggnog

  • 2 small containers of plain yogurt
  • 1 jar of baby food (use your dog’s favorite flavor)
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 eggs

Put all ingredients in a food processor, blender or Magic Bullet and mix until frothy.

Pour into small dishes and top with a dog treat or some healthy blueberries and serve!

Refrigerate any leftovers or pour into ice cube trays or silicone molds for fun frozen treats later.

2. DIY Dog Treats: Turkey & Cranberry Holiday Treats!

This next recipe includes ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Posted by Embrace Pet Insurance from the website, this recipe makes about 45 holiday treats your dog is sure to love! Cranberries are a healthy, antioxidant-packed fruit and can be enjoyed by your dog in moderation.

Fresh Red Cranberries
Courtesy: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Turkey & Cranberry Dog Bones

  • 3.5 cups whole-wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 cup shredded cooked turkey
  • 1 cup dried cranberries (make sure there are no added raisins or sugar!)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, whisk the flour and baking powder. Stir in the turkey and cranberries. Create a well in the center of this mixture and drop the egg into that well. Add the olive oil and about 1/2 cup of the broth over the egg. Mix until a soft dough forms. If the mixture seems dry, add in – by tablespoons – more of the broth.

Knead the dough on a clean, floured surface for about two minutes. Roll out the dough to 1/4 inch in thickness. Cut the treats out with Christmas cookie cutters and place on the lined baking sheet. Bake the dog treats for 25 minutes until browned. Turn off the oven and allow treats to rest in the oven for 30 more minutes. Remove and cool. Refrigerate treats.

3. DIY Dog Treats: Frozen Pumpkin Treats

Just 3 easy (and healthy!) ingredients, freeze for 12 hours and satisfy those sad puppy eyes! Courtesy of the Spencer the Goldendoodle website!

Corgi Dog Chewing on a Pumpkin Stem
Courtesy: Elena Rogulina / Pixabay

Frozen Pumpkin Treats

  • 1 can 100% pure pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling!)
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (xylitol-free!)

Blend all 3 ingredients in a bowl with an electric hand mixer until smooth

Pour into ice cube trays or your favorite silicone dog-themed molds!

Freeze for 12 hours, pop them out and serve. Store in the freezer.

Next, let’s whip up some CAT-tastic treats even the most finicky felines won’t be able to resist!

Want a no-bake healthy horse treat for your favorite equine?

Just click here!

1. DIY Cat Treats: Tuna Cat Holiday Treats!

WHAT cat doesn’t meow over tuna?! This easy recipe (from Mess for Less) will have your felines howling for more!

Tuna Cat Treats

Canned Tuna
Courtesy: Taken / Pixabay
  • 1 can tuna in oil, drained
  • 1 egg
  • 1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Dash of parsley (optional)
  • Bottle Cap for cutting out treats

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until a dough forms. If the dough is sticky, add a bit more flour. If the dough is too dry, add a tablespoon of water. Roll the dough out to 1/4-inch thickness and cut with a small bottle cap or your favorite cookie cutters.

Place on a baking sheet, bake for 20 minutes until browned. Cool and then store in an airtight container.

2. DIY Cat Treats: Hairball Control Cat Treats!

Gray and White Cat Grooming Himself
Courtesy: JackieLou DL / Pixabay

This recipe from doubles as a tasty treat as well as a treat that can also help potentially dangerous hairballs effectively move through their digestive system! P.S., you can also add some catnip into the recipe!

Hairball Control Cat Treats

  • 1-1/4 cup brown rice flour
  • 1/3 cup canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix!)
  • 1 brown egg
  • 3 tablespoons ground flax
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon catnip (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Set a sheet of parchment paper the size of your baking sheet to the side.

In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients; mix thoroughly. Wrap dough in plastic wrap. Let rest 5 minutes.

Unwrap dough; knead a few times. On parchment paper, roll the dough to 1/4” thickness.

Using a pizza cutter, cut narrow strips vertically or horizontally. If the dough starts sticking, wipe off the cutter. Repeat in the opposite direction. When finished, you should have a patchwork grid.

Transfer parchment paper to cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes.

Remove cookie sheet from oven. Using a spatula or your oven-mitted hands, break up the treats. Spread bits around evenly and return to the oven.

Bake 10 to 15 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool. Or, bake for 10 minutes and turn the oven off; leave in oven for several hours or overnight.

These treats will last 4-6 weeks in an airtight container. For a longer shelf-life, refrigerate the treats. They can also be frozen for up to 3 months.

Did you know that hairballs in cats (and even dogs!)
can be limited with regular brushing?
Frequent dog grooming and cat grooming
effectively cuts down on excess hair that can be
licked and then ingested potentially leading to hairballs!
Check out the EquiGroomer Grooming Tools for horses,
dogs, cats and other animals that shed!

3. DIY Cat Treats: Salmon Cat Holiday Treats

If you’re short on time this holiday season, here’s a quick and healthy feline treat recipe (from with only 3 ingredients, a quick mix, cutting into treats and just 20 minutes to bake!

Salmon Cat Treats

Fresh Cut Salmon
Courtesy: Congerdesign / Pixabay
  • 10-ounces canned salmon (undrained)
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a food processor, pulse the canned salmon to chop as finely as possible.

Set a sheet of parchment paper the size of your baking sheet to the side.

In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients; mix thoroughly. Wrap dough in plastic wrap. Let rest 5 minutes.

Combine the chopped salmon, egg and flour in a mixer until it forms a dough.

Roll out ¼-inch thickness on a floured surface and cut into fun shapes. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake until light brown and crispy; about 20 minutes.

Completely cool before serving and store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

The EquiGroomer Cat Gift Bag

Need a Gift for the Pet Guardian in Your Life?

Give our Cat or Dog Gift Bag!

The EquiGroomer Grooming Tools are modeled after a traditional shedding stone that effectively removes loose hair, dirt and dander from horses, dogs, cats and any other animal that sheds!

Designed to be safe no matter how much or how often you groom your pet, the EquiGroomer will produce a coat that’s shiny, smooth and soft.

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604
or click here to send us an email.

Pet separation anxiety is felt by dogs, cats and even horses!

What is it and how can we help our pets?

Pet Separation Anxiety 101

Brown and white dog sitting and looking anxious
Courtesy: Empiep / Pixabay

In simple terms, pet separation anxiety arises when some pets are left alone for too long. While each pet may exhibit different symptoms, this excessive attachment – to humans or animals – is unhealthy and needs to be addressed for the pet’s overall benefit.

Separation anxiety begins with distress in the absence of those the pet is overly dependent on.

If left ignored, this anxiety may escalate to:

  • Behavioral and destructive issues.
  • Self-injury.
  • Even attempts to escape.

Pet Separation Anxiety: Dogs

Pet separation anxiety is common among dogs
Courtesy: Keithfoust / Pixabay

The common symptoms of K9 separation anxiety include:

  • Barking, howling and whining.
  • Accidents in the house (including coprophagia or eating poop).
  • Chewing, digging and other destructive behaviors.
  • Escape attempts.
  • Pacing.
  • Drooling, panting or excessive salivation.

K9 Separation Anxiety: Why

  • Abandonment.
  • Change of schedule, home or guardian.
  • Sudden loss of a family member.
  • Medical issues.

Canine Separation: Solutions

  • Desensitization: Acclimate them to your departure by leaving for a few minutes and then returning. Over time, slowly increase how long you are gone.
  • Create a routine when you leave; ask your dog to sit, offer a high-value treat and then calmly leave. (Begin this routine during desensitization (above)).
  • Exercise your dog before leaving.
  • Add another dog to the household.
  • Avoid a huge fuss when you leave (or come back home).
  • Leave your dog with a filled/frozen Kong toy to keep him busy and distracted.
  • Homeopathic or pharmaceutical options but always discuss with your vet first!

Pet Separation Anxiety: Cats

Gray and white cat grooming itself
Courtesy: JackieLou KL / Pixabay

Pet separation anxiety may seem more common in canines, but research shows our felines also suffer from pet separation anxiety (despite their aloofness!). In a recent study, 64% of the cats evaluated showed less stress when with their caregivers!

How can you tell if your cat is suffering from separation anxiety? General symptoms include:

  • Crying or yowling.
  • Accidents outside the litter box.
  • Destructive behaviors (more common in male cats)
  • Excessive grooming (more common in female cats)
  • Hyper-attachment with caregiver(s).

Feline Separation Anxiety: Why

  • Being a female cat.
  • Cats only livig indoors.
  • Weaned too early, bottle-raised or orphaned.
Indoor cats can suffer from pet separation anxiety
Courtesy: FPHayes / Pixabay

Cat Separation: Solutions

  • Desensitization: Give attention or affection to reward a calm cat. Ignore attention-seeking behaviors. Reward signs of relaxation:
    • Lying down.
    • Sighing.
    • A loose/still tail.
    • Closed eyes.
  • Before leaving, play with your cat to tire them out.
  • Keep your cat busy in your absence with enrichment activities:
    • Cat TV shows,
    • Puzzle feeders, and
    • Hide-and-seek for treats hidden throughout the house.
  • Maintain a consistent routine.
  • Add another cat to the household.
  • Homeopathic or pharmaceutical options but always discuss with your vet first!
Two brown and one black horse in a pasture
Courtesy: Rebekka D / Pixabay

Pet Separation Anxiety: Horses

When separated from other horses (and owners), equines can experience separation anxiety!

According to Dr. Camie Helesi, a renowned equine researcher, separation anxiety stems from wild horses benefiting from strong social connections and bonds. Even short separations can result in equine fear, anxiety, stress and outbursts of panic.

What does separation anxiety look like in horses?

  • High volumes of abnormal vocalizations.
  • Shaking or trembling.
  • Increased heart rate and sweating.
  • Loss of appetite and an unwillingness to drink.
  • Rearing, kicking out, bucking, spooking, pawing or bolting.
  • Pacing and fence walking.

Equine Separation Anxiety: Why

  • Separated from their herd.
  • Confined in isolation (even for short periods).
  • Horses who are tightly bonded.

Donkeys can help horses avoid pet separation anxiety
Courtesy: F. Muhammad / Pixabay

Equine Separation Anxiety: Solutions

  • Desensitization: Using short training sessions, work with keeping your horse’s focus on you while slowly moving them away from their companions. Reinforce good behavior and obedience with high-value treats or a groom session at the end to bolster their confidence.
  • For horses that must be separated, keep them in visual proximity.
  • Pair anxious horses with smaller ponies, goats or donkeys.
  • By keeping horses in a group of three, a horse is never left alone.
  • Homeopathic or pharmaceutical options but always discuss with your vet first!

If your efforts at easing your pet’s separation anxiety
are not working, find an animal or veterinary behaviorist to help you.

Separation anxiety is a serious condition and should not be ignored!

Brushing white horse with an EquiGroomer Tool

Grooming sessions are a wonderful way to reward your horse after
a good training session or ride!

Comfortable for sensitive-skin
Easily removes loose hair, dirt, and dander

Click here to purchase your
EquiGroomer Grooming Tools today!

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

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