Dogs are For Life, Not Just Holidays

Oh, those heart-tugging commercials encouraging giving pets as holiday gifts. But dogs are not just another package under the tree; dogs are for life!

The Reality of Giving Pets as Holiday Gifts

They may be one of the easiest gifts to buy, but sadly many of these holiday pets are given up once the holidays are over and life returns to normal leaving little time for a new dog or cat in the household.  But dogs are not just another wrapped Christmas gift; dogs are for life!

“Dog ownership is wonderful, and we aren’t saying don’t get a dog, we’re just asking that people are sure they are ready for the long-term commitment that comes with it.” 
Owen Sharp, Dogs Trust (UK) Chief Executive

The statistics show a peak in the first few months of the new year of people surrendering puppies – or other pets – they received as gifts over the holiday. Just like the new toys and gifts quickly forgotten and tossed aside, the excitement and interest over a new puppy or dog begins to fade and new owners are overwhelmed with the responsibility for that once-adorable canine or feline.

Dogs are for LifeClick here to watch the new ad from the UK Dogs Trust: “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas.”

6 Reasons Why Christmas Pets are a Bad Idea

Owning a Pet is a Family DecisionOwning a Pet Is a Family Decision

Having a pet is a family responsibility. So, it stands to reason that the decision should be made as a family because everyone will need to care for the new addition.

Impulse Buys are Usually a Bad Idea

We’ve all made impulse buys just to regret them later. Involving an innocent and helpless animal in an impulse buy is rarely a good idea.

Pets Should NOT be a Surprise

Pet ownership is a commitment and should be planned before a new pet comes home. This also includes preparing children to not view a pet as simply a new toy.

A Dog (or any pet) is a Lifetime Commitment

Pets represent a lifetime responsibility. Most pets live anywhere fromAll Pets are a Lifetime Commitment 10-20 years (and even longer). So, people should adopt their own pets when they are ready for the commitment with time, finances and training.

Even Cute Pets Turn Your World Upside Down

Life changes considerably with the addition of a pet. New schedules and routines need to be organized and followed day-in and day-out for the pet’s entire lifespan. There’s no holiday from taking care of your new dog or cat.

New Pets Should be Brought into a Calm Home

Holidays are hectic, busy and often stressful. This is not the time toNew Pets Need a Calm Home bring a new puppy, kitten or even older pet into the home. There are also additional risks for pets at the holidays including decorations, lights, candles, trees, strangers, rich foods and snacks and alcoholic drinks. Holidays can be just as overwhelming and stressful for pets especially in a brand-new home with people they have not bonded with.

Still Want to Gift a Pet? Do This Instead!Always Adopt Don't Shop

Give a gift certificate to a local shelter or rescue. This allows the recipient to properly prepare themselves, their life and home for pet ownership in advance.

They also get to choose the pet of their choice which best fits their lifestyle and expectations for a happy and successful adoption!

A Final Note

If you DO decide to go ahead with giving a pet as a holiday gift, please do not patronize irresponsible backyard breeders, puppy mills or pet stores. Adopt a pet from a local shelter or rescue and give them a second chance at a better life.

Buy our Discounted Gift Bags for the HolidaysNeed Stocking Stuffers for the dog lovers in YOUR life?

Give the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year! The EquiGroomer tools offer easy brushing of your pet without pulling, discomfort or damage to your pet’s topcoat or skin.

The EquiGroomer gift bag is the perfect holiday gift for the pets and pet lovers in your life!

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

Additional Reading:

Christmas Advert About Dogs Given as Gifts

True Dog Lovers Don’t Buy Puppies as Christmas Gifts

Why You Shouldn’t Give Pets as Gifts this Christmas

10 Reasons Why Not to Get a Puppy this Christmas

5 Reasons Not to Give a Pet as a Christmas Gift this Year

ISPCA Urges Public Not to Buy or Give Puppies as Presents for Christmas

Image Credits:

Image by jwvein from Pixabay 

Photo by Derick Santos from Pexels

Image by Anja Kiefer from Pixabay 

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Product Images are Courtesy of EquiGroomer

Protect Your Horse During Winter

Winter is approaching which means fewer daylight hours, colder temperatures and stormy weather.
Are you ready to protect your pets from the challenges of winter?

Every pet depends upon their owners to ensure their health, safety and wellness, especially during the winter!

Winter Poses Unique Challenges for Pet Wellness

Protect Your Cat in WinterBy educating ourselves about the unique challenges of winter, including wet, stormy and freezing weather, pet owners can effectively keep their pet comfortable and safe while also preventing illness – or worse – for their beloved animal companion.

“It’s important to remember that, despite their fur coats, pets can suffer from the cold just like we do. So, it’s up to us to make sure we provide the extra care they need during colder weather.”

Nina Downing, Vet Nurse of the UK’s People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (or PDSA)

Unfortunately, our pets cannot vocalize how they are feeling, whether they are sick or even suffering (and most pets will try to hide sickness or pain). Keep reading about how to best prevent your canine friend from the dangers of winter!

(Our next blog post, at the end of November, will cover protecting both felines and equines.)

The Rules of Winter: Dogs

Despite the appearance of an impressive winter coat on many dogs, they still get wet and chilled. All dogs should always have access to insideProtect Your Dog During Winter shelter for warmth, safety, well-being and protection.

  1. NEVER Leave Dogs …

In cars, in the back of pickups or anywhere that is unheated in order to protect them from dangerous hypothermia.

  1. Use Coats & Boots

Is your dog very young or old? Are they sick? Or do they have a very thin coat of hair?

    • A well-fitted, waterproof coat can help protect dogs who are vulnerable.
    • Properly fitted dog boots can also be helpful in protecting tender paws.
  1. Maintain Regular Brushing

Maintain your dog’s regular brushing to help stimulate and distribute natural oils to combat your pet’s dry and itchy skin from winter’s cold and dry air.

  1. Limit Time Outside

Dogs will still need daily walks but never keep them outside for long periods of time. Even the hardiest canine who loves the snow canDog Paws Are Sensitive to Snow suffer negative effects from extended exposure to snow, ice and plummeting temperatures. It’s better to go out more often for shorter lengths of time. If your dog begins regularly lifting his paw(s), it’s time to go inside, warm up and check his paws.

  1. After Being Outside

After coming inside, immediately:

    • Towel-dry a wet dog (or cat).
    • If they have longer hair, use a blow-dryer (on a LOW setting at a comfortable distance) to get them completely dry.
    • Carefully check their paws (especially between the toes) and remove any:
      • Frozen snow/ice
      • Commercial ice melt products
      • Salt
      • Grit or dirt

These can cause unwanted friction and subsequent pain for your dog. You also do not want your dog licking/ingesting any of the causticitems.

    • Gently massage paws (and between the toes) with a pet-friendly and food-grade wax or balm to heal – and protect – cracked pads and irritated skin. (You can also use this in hot weather.) Use on cracked noses for additional protection too!

Protect Dogs Paws and Noses this Winter

Want to make your own Paw Wax with healthy and safe ingredients?

Watch the DIY video from Rodney Habib here

 ~ OR ~

 Use the homemade Paw Balm recipe for dogs from Christina Walker

on her Everyday Dog Mom blog!

REMINDER: Come back for our next blog post, at the end of November,

to learn the best winter tips for protecting both cats and horses.

 Remember regular grooming is important even during winter months!

Winter’s cold and dry air can lead to dry and itchy skin for your pet. Regular grooming helps stimulate and distribute natural oils in their skin.

The EquiGroomer offers easy brushing with NO pulling, discomfort or damage to your pet’s topcoat or skin.

Get $5 Off our Gift Bags for the Holidays

Buy A Gift Bag for Your Cat

Buy a Gift Bag for Your Dog

The EquiGroomer gift bag is the perfect holiday gift for the pets 
and pet lovers in your life!

(Just click on an image to order – cat or dog.)

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

Additional Reading:

Keeping Pets Safe and Healthy Over Winter

Keep Your Furry Friends Safe with These 9 Winter Pet Safety Tips

12 Coziest Dog Coats for Winter

Caring for Your Horse in the Winter


Image Credits:

Image by Christo Anestev from Pixabay

Image by klimkin from Pixabay

Image by bella67 from Pixabay

Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

Image by H. B. from Pixabay

Product Images are Courtesy of EquiGroomer

The wellness of the animals in our lives depends upon us. Every October is National Pet Wellness Month, but pet wellness lasts long beyond the month of October!

Happy pets enjoy optimal well-being, health and comfort. Throughout all the stages of their lives, our pets depend upon us to ensure not only their best daily care but proactive care as well.


The Stages of Aging

By the age of seven, dogs are considered seniors.Each stage of your pet’s life has its own requirements for well-being. The needs of a puppy, kitten or foal will be different from an adult or senior. So, it’s important to focus on the specific wellness needs and effective preventative care for their age, breed, health history and potential aging challenges.

“By the age of two, most dogs and cats have already reached adulthood.

By the time they reach age four, they’re considered middle-aged.

At the age of seven, many dogs have already started their senior years.

— American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Horses enjoy a much longer life span reaching adulthood around 5, middle-age by the age of 13 and are considered seniors around the age of 20. (Source: Equine Resources International)

Annual Proactive Pet Wellness

Your pet’s overall well-being and preventative care should regularly include the following 3 areas with your veterinarian’s support.

 Wellness Exams

  • Annual: Wellness exams every year for younger dogs and cats.
  • Bi-Annual: Six-month wellness exams for senior pets: Equines need bi-annual wellness exams.
    • Cats: Around 8-10 years old
    • Dogs: Around 6-8 years of life (larger breed K9s age faster)
    • Horses: Along with routine vaccinations in the spring and fall
  • Your pet’s healthy weight helps ward off serious health conditions like:
    • Diabetes;
    • Osteoarthritis;
    • Chronic inflammation; and
    • Other potential issues and diseases.
  • Vaccinations including core (yearly) and non-core inoculations.
  • Parasite Prevention (external and internal):
    • Ticks & Fleas
    • Heartworms
    • Worms
  • Spaying and Neutering

Dental Exams

Chronic dental disease can create and spread inflammation throughout your pet’s body creating other health challenges. Maintaining good oral hygiene minimizes the formation of tartar, plaque and gingivitis and in turn, additional inflammation in the body. While 1 in 3 pet owners assume bad breath is “normal” for their pet, the reality is it’s a sign of potentially painful and harmful oral disease. (Source:

Blood and Lab Work Baselines help monitor your pet's health.

Blood and lab work done on younger pets helps establish a baseline or “normal” for your pet. Later changes in their health or potential disease can then be easily detected and proactively addressed.

Daily Wellness Care Practices

Between the recommended annual and bi-annual pet wellness needs, daily pet wellness includes:

  • Regular exercise (appropriate for the age, breed and health history);
  • High-quality nutrition (based on the breed, age and level of activity);
  • Consistent grooming (including teeth brushing);
  • Effective pet identification (tags, microchips and tattoos); and
  • Quality, one-on-one time.Always work with your vet for your pet's best well-being.

Regular and proactive wellness care helps ensure a healthier and longer lifespan for your pet while ensuring their best quality of life and comfort. But it also helps you, the owner, better manage healthcare costs by proactively addressing and preventing potential and costly health issues.

If you’re unsure about:

  • How much daily exercise your pet needs;
  • The nutritional needs for your pet; or
  • Any other aspect of their regular well-being;

talk to your veterinarian to set up an appropriate well-being plan to address your pet’s needs for a happy and healthy life throughout the entire year! 


EquiGroomer Products

Remember, regular grooming is important for your pet’s optimum wellness!

Finding and using the right tool, like the EquiGroomer products, will help make the experience easier, gentler and stress-free for both you and your pet!

 Try our EquiGroomer for easy brushing with NO pulling, discomfort or damage to your pet’s topcoat or skin.

Also, add our WaterWisk Pet Squeegee and Sweat Scraper to your

pet’s bathing routine!

EquiGroomer Products

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

Additional Reading:

October is National Pet Wellness Month (AVMA)

October is National Pet Wellness Month

Annual Wellness Exams for Horses

Image Credits:

Image by EquiGroomer

Image by Gabriela Neumeier from Pixabay 

Image Courtesy of

Image by skeeze from Pixabay 

Photo by Charles from Pexels

Product Images are Courtesy of EquiGroomer

Regular pet grooming is a wonderful and natural experience that not only cares for their coat but also serves as a powerful bonding experience between you and your pet.

Grooming is so much more than a show-worthy coat.

Brush Your Horse With EquiGroomer

Our canines, felines, equines, rabbits (and other pets) depend upon us for their best possible life. A vital part of caring for their overall health includes regular pet grooming to maintain their overall comfort with healthy skin, a shiny and soft coat and new hair growth between bathing.

The Essentials of Grooming: Brushing

“One of the first indications that all is not well inside is a change of hair coat and skin. Also check for lumps, bumps, and overall body condition.” (Bernadine Cruz, DVM)

Brushing your pet’s coat several times a week or more offers many physical and mental benefits.

  1. Proper and consistent brushing helps cut down on Rabbits Need Regular Brushinghairballs for cats (as well as rabbits and yes, even some dogs!).
  2. Did you know that a kitty’s skin is much thinner and more sensitive to tangles and mats? In fact, out-of-control mats can hinder your cat from properly resting or even lying down in some positions without discomfort and pain. (A rabbit’s skin is also quite sensitive and fragile.)
  3. Brushing removes loose hair, dust, mud, dirt and dander.
  4. Brushing helps reduce shedding.
  5. Brushing helps distribute essential natural skin oils throughout the pet’s coat.
  6. Brushing your horse before riding will remove any grit that could cause saddle or girth sores.
  7. Brushing offers the opportunity to catch potential health issues early which may help save on costly vet visits for:
    • Skin issues including infections, irritations and/or inflammationsEven Cats Love the EquiGroomer
    • Lumps and bumps
    • Injuries
    • Matted and/or tangled hair
    • Burrs
    • Ticks, Mites, Fleas and “flea dirt” (aka flea poop)
  8. Removing old hair keeps your dog cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter with a new insulating undercoat.
  9. Brushing helps reduce human allergies to dander.
  10. Brushing relaxes both you and your pet with this wonderful bonding routine. It also helps reduce stress (yours and theirs).

Brushing Different Types of Coats


  • Breeds:  Akita, Alaskan and Siberian Husky, Malamute, American Eskimo, Chow, Collies, Keeshonden, Beagles, Korean Jindo,Groom Your K9 With EquiGroomer Pomeranian, Corgi, Puli, Leonberger, Golden Retriever and Shiba Inu
  • Beneath the top layer of long hair is a soft downy undercoat that acts as insulation in cold and hot months.
  • The down undercoat can mat and tangle if not regularly maintained. An unmanaged undercoat can also cause your dog to overheat.


  • Breeds: Afghan Hounds, Yorkies, Setters, Cockers, Pekingese and Maltese
  • Tangles and mats in these breeds are common without constant brushing.

Curly & Wiry Coats:

  • Breeds: Schnauzer, Dachshund, Poodle, Bichon and Terrier
  • These coats require regular brushing to stop mats from developing.
  • Coats need to be hand-stripped twice a year or regularly clipped.

Shorthaired Coats:

  • Breeds: American Foxhound, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Terrier, Basset Hound, Basenji, Coonhound, Bloodhound, Lab and Pug
  • Coats require weekly grooming to keep the skin and coat in its optimum condition.

Dogs Love Being Groomed by the EquiGroomerRegular brushing is essential to your pet’s overall hygiene, health, comfort and happiness.

Also, finding and using the right tool, like the EquiGroomer products, will help make the experience easier, gentler and stress-free for both you and your pet!

EquiGroomer, A Grooming Tool for Horses, Dogs, Cats, Other Pets and Livestock!

EquiGroomer Products

 More than a shedding blade, it gently grabs dead, loose & shedding hair by the ends.

Which means NO pulling, discomfort or damage to your pet’s topcoat or skin!

Try These Grooming Tools:

EquiGroomer Groomer's 10-piece kit

EquiGroomer (In 5-inch and 9-inch sizes)

WaterWisk Pet Squeegee/Sweat Scraper (In 5-inch and 7-inch sizes)

For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.

Additional Reading:

Pet Care: Why Grooming is Important

Why Grooming Your Dog Is Great for His Health

7 Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Dog’s Coat on a Regular Basis

How to Groom a Rabbit (Complete Brushing Guide)

How to Groom Your Horse

5 Ways to Save on Vet Costs


Image Credits:

All images are the courtesy of EquiGroomer.

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