Oh, those heart-tugging commercials encouraging giving pets as holiday gifts. But dogs are not just another package under the tree; dogs are for life!
The Reality of Giving Pets as Holiday Gifts
They may be one of the easiest gifts to buy, but sadly many of these holiday pets are given up once the holidays are over and life returns to normal leaving little time for a new dog or cat in the household. But dogs are not just another wrapped Christmas gift; dogs are for life!
“Dog ownership is wonderful, and we aren’t saying don’t get a dog, we’re just asking that people are sure they are ready for the long-term commitment that comes with it.”
Owen Sharp, Dogs Trust (UK) Chief Executive
The statistics show a peak in the first few months of the new year of people surrendering puppies – or other pets – they received as gifts over the holiday. Just like the new toys and gifts quickly forgotten and tossed aside, the excitement and interest over a new puppy or dog begins to fade and new owners are overwhelmed with the responsibility for that once-adorable canine or feline.
Click here to watch the new ad from the UK Dogs Trust: “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas.”
6 Reasons Why Christmas Pets are a Bad Idea
Owning a Pet is a Family Decision
Having a pet is a family responsibility. So, it stands to reason that the decision should be made as a family because everyone will need to care for the new addition.
Impulse Buys are Usually a Bad Idea
We’ve all made impulse buys just to regret them later. Involving an innocent and helpless animal in an impulse buy is rarely a good idea.
Pets Should NOT be a Surprise
Pet ownership is a commitment and should be planned before a new pet comes home. This also includes preparing children to not view a pet as simply a new toy.
A Dog (or any pet) is a Lifetime Commitment
Pets represent a lifetime responsibility. Most pets live anywhere from 10-20 years (and even longer). So, people should adopt their own pets when they are ready for the commitment with time, finances and training.
Even Cute Pets Turn Your World Upside Down
Life changes considerably with the addition of a pet. New schedules and routines need to be organized and followed day-in and day-out for the pet’s entire lifespan. There’s no holiday from taking care of your new dog or cat.
New Pets Should be Brought into a Calm Home
Holidays are hectic, busy and often stressful. This is not the time to bring a new puppy, kitten or even older pet into the home. There are also additional risks for pets at the holidays including decorations, lights, candles, trees, strangers, rich foods and snacks and alcoholic drinks. Holidays can be just as overwhelming and stressful for pets especially in a brand-new home with people they have not bonded with.
Still Want to Gift a Pet? Do This Instead!
Give a gift certificate to a local shelter or rescue. This allows the recipient to properly prepare themselves, their life and home for pet ownership in advance.
They also get to choose the pet of their choice which best fits their lifestyle and expectations for a happy and successful adoption!
A Final Note
If you DO decide to go ahead with giving a pet as a holiday gift, please do not patronize irresponsible backyard breeders, puppy mills or pet stores. Adopt a pet from a local shelter or rescue and give them a second chance at a better life.
Need Stocking Stuffers for the dog lovers in YOUR life?
Give the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year! The EquiGroomer tools offer easy brushing of your pet without pulling, discomfort or damage to your pet’s topcoat or skin.
The EquiGroomer gift bag is the perfect holiday gift for the pets and pet lovers in your life!
For individual or bulk orders, call 860-573-0604 or click here to send us an email.
Additional Reading:
Christmas Advert About Dogs Given as Gifts
True Dog Lovers Don’t Buy Puppies as Christmas Gifts
Why You Shouldn’t Give Pets as Gifts this Christmas
10 Reasons Why Not to Get a Puppy this Christmas
5 Reasons Not to Give a Pet as a Christmas Gift this Year
ISPCA Urges Public Not to Buy or Give Puppies as Presents for Christmas
Image Credits:
Photo by Derick Santos from Pexels
Image by Anja Kiefer from Pixabay
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Product Images are Courtesy of EquiGroomer