The Holiday Season is here! Before your frisky feline gets into trouble, learn how to cat-proof your home for the holidays with these 5 tips!
Cat-Proofing Tip 1: Christmas Trees
Cats can get into most places so it’s very challenging to protect your holiday decorations with feline roommates! But there are things you can do.
Cat Deterrents

- One of the best ways to prevent your cat from claiming the Christmas tree as his playground is to use their sense of smell! Did you know most cats have a natural aversion to citrus smells? Place orange, lemon or grapefruit rinds in a bag and hang it in the tree (don’t forget around the base too!). You can also use dried citrus fruits on the tree.
- Lafayette Vets suggests “soaking ribbons in orange oil and tying them all over the inner and lower branches of the tree” to discourage your cat’s curiosity.
- Another easy idea involves spraying the tree with a mixture of water and a few drops of citrus essential oils including citronella, orange or lemongrass.
- Or try this idea: put cloves in whole oranges and hang them on the tree! Imagine how good the room will also smell!
- You can also buy cat deterrent sprays from your favorite pet store. Depending on your cat, you may need to reapply deterrent sprays to keep your cat away from the tree. Always use only when your cat is out of the room.
- Aluminum foil can also come in handy. Most cats dislike it because of the crinkling noise it makes and how it feels on their paws. So, wrap aluminum foil around the tree trunk.

Secure The Christmas Tree
- Cat owners know their cats love high, protected places and the Christmas tree offers that in spades! Get some fishing line and secure the tree to a wall, curtain rod, around a sturdy nail into a stud or from the ceiling. Move all furniture away from the tree prevent the perfect launching pad for your cat into the tree!
Real or Artificial?
- Needles from real Christmas trees can pose a hazard to cats when chewed including drooling, vomiting or punctures. Consider using an artificial tree. Using an artificial tree also prevents your cat from drinking the water used to preserve a real tree. Chemicals are often added to tree water, plus stagnant water contains bacteria that can make your cat very sick.
Video: How to Cat-Proof Your Christmas Tree!
Cat-Proofing Tip 2: Ornaments

Of course, ornaments are an important part of holiday decorating! You may even have some valuable heirloom ornaments saved over the years or handed down from loved ones. You’ll want to take special precautions to protect them from your curious cat! Make sure all breakable ornaments or those with sentimental value are hung high and out of your cat’s reach. Or opt for non-breakable ornaments for the ultimate protection from a curious cat that loves to climb and play! Also keep tinsel, flocking (artificial snow) and strings of popcorn out of your cat’s reach to prevent potential choking hazards or even life-threatening obstructions in the throat or digestive tract.
Cat-Proofing Tip 3: Candles
Candles are such a part of the holiday season! But they also pose dangerous risks. In addition to getting burned, cats can also tip over a lit candle (or menorah) with disastrous consequences! Consider using battery-operated candles or menorahs or place candles high where you know your cat cannot reach them.

Cat-Proofing Tip 4: Gifts
Another easy target is the pretty gifts wrapped under the tree!
Tape, ribbons and bows all pose choking hazards or deadly obstructions for your cat if swallowed and could require expensive surgery to remove.
Cat-Proofing Tip 5: Create Distractions
Always supervise your cat around the tree and be ready to distract them with their favorite toy and treats! Create some new high perches for your cat (away from the tree) and distract them from the tree! Place their favorite treats or catnip to encourage them to settle into their new perch. You can build your own or purchase ones already made from Amazon or your favorite pet store.
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