If you’ve ever owned a cat – wait, let’s be honest here – been “owned by a cat,” you’ve probably encountered the “Great Closed-Door Drama!” Before you know it, there’s a paw under the door, meowing, and maybe even some artistic scratching at the hated barrier.
So, what’s the deal? Why does your seemingly aloof, independent furball suddenly become obsessed with getting through a closed door?
“82% of cat parents reported that their cats regularly tried to barge
into rooms with closed doors.”
(A survey conducted by “The Cat Site”)
Let’s explore some reasons behind your cat’s door-hating behavior below!
1. Cats are Furry Control Freaks!
Doors represent the one thing cats love to hate: lack of control. How dare you limit their reign over their kingdom (a.k.a. your house)?! A closed door means their power is diminished. They can’t come and go as they please. It’s a clear affront to their royal status, mortal human!
“Every time I close the door to go to the bathroom,
I hear the unmistakable thud of my cat launching
their body against it like they’re the FBI.”
(A Reddit post from a cat parent)
It’s Black Cat Awareness Month!
Since Ancient Greece, black felines have been associated with witches, bad luck, superstition, evil, and of course, Halloween.
(Conversely, sailors and their wives in Great Britain believed black cats were good luck and kept them in their homes and ships for luck and safety!)
If you have a black feline, please keep them indoors to keep them safe
especially during Halloween!

3. Cats Hate Closed Doors Because of Curiosity
Have you ever noticed how your cat has zero interest in the room behind the closed door until it’s closed? Cats are naturally curious, so a closed door sparks that curiosity like nothing else! The real question becomes, “What could possibly be happening in there that I am not a part of?

4. Feline FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Cats may seem detached, but they are secretly masters of FOMO. If there’s something they can’t see or hear, it might be the greatest thing that has ever happened! Are you petting another animal behind that door? Are you opening cans of tuna without them? Every closed door screams, “MEOW! YOU’RE MISSING OUT!”

So, Why Do Cats Hate Closed Doors?
So, cats hate closed doors, not just because of the barrier – it’s the idea, toy, pet, or alien behind it! Control, curiosity, and FOMO will drive your feline’s fury, so beware! The next time you dare to close a door and hear that familiar scratching, remember: it’s all about who is in charge. And spoiler: it’s always your cat (in case you didn’t know!).

Even the pickiest kitty will LOVE this grooming tool!
Why? Because the blade mimics your cat’s tongue when they groom themselves!
Here’s what Carol had to say:
“Wow … I purchased a 5″ EquiGroomer to use on our 3 house cats. I just received it today, and I’m stunned – all 3 of our cats just LOVE being groomed with it … even our ultra-shy former feral who’s still somewhat human-shy and won’t sit still for any other kind of grooming tool.
Thank you very, VERY much!!”
Questions about our top-rated Grooming or Bathing Tools, Grooming Kits, Brush Sets, or Starter Kits for your business?
Call us at 860-573-0604 or email us at EquiGroomer.com today!