For many of us, music provides the soundtrack to our lives. But did you know your dog enjoys music as well? Research reveals the music our dogs love most!
Yes, Dogs Love Music!
Yes, there is music dogs love! It turns out our canines enjoy music right along with their human guardians! Of course, also like us, dogs prefer certain musical genres over others especially when it comes to rest, relaxation and the reduction of stress. (Yes, your dog gets stressed too!)
“Research confirms that dogs have musical preferences
and react differently to particular types of music.”
(Psychology Today)
Research has uncovered some basic conclusions when it comes to dogs and music. Along with the positive physiological and behavioral changes in dogs, other benefits include less standing and pacing, less barking and more sleeping when dogs heard their favorite musical genres. Some dogs even resumed barking when the music ended!
Next, let’s look at what music genres are our dog’s favorites!
Music Genres: K9 Favorites

All the studies seemed to agree that genres like reggae and soft rock were the best at relaxing – and reducing stress -in the canine subjects due to the slower tempo and fewer beats per minute.
In addition, these genres positively affected the K9 Heart Rate Variability (or HRV) with longer intervals between heartbeats creating a slower heart rate along with decreased levels of stress.
In contrast, songs with a faster tempo (like hard rock or heavy metal) or even heavy bass caused more excitement, anxiety, agitation, stress, barking and even trembling for the shelter dogs being studied. In addition, music with too many digital noises also increased the dog’s excitement and/or anxiety according to the Founder of PuppyTip, Li-ran Bukovza.

Another favorite K9 musical genre is classical music. When 117 kenneled dogs were observed over four months by researchers from Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, classical music was shown to not only relax the dogs but also encouraged them to sleep. (The same effects were found with children!) These findings were also validated by the research of Psychologist Deborah Wells of Queens University in Belfast and published in Psychology Today.
“It is now believed that dogs may be as discerning as humans when it comes to musical preference.” (Psychologist Deborah Wells of Queens University in Belfast)
Did You Miss this Viral Video?
Watch this dog join and then fall asleep as the Vienna Chamber Orchestra played!

Did you know that in 1980, Carnegie Hall hosted a performance of “Howl” which included 20 singers and 3 canines? (Psychology Today)
How the Find the Music YOUR Dog Loves!

It is clear that our canine friends hold an appreciation for music just like their humans! Studies have shown music can either energize our furry best friends or calm them down.
So how do you find the music your dog will groove to?
Since the adult dog has the approximate intelligence of a human toddler, try music you would play for a baby. Experiment with different genres and watch your dog’s reaction. If he does not like the music (illustrated by panting, trembling or whimpering), try another genre that calms and relaxes his body and mind. You can also find dog playlists on YouTube and Spotify.

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